This game showcases a neural network-based AI that has been trained to play Dice Wars. You can enable an AI visualisation option to show the nodes and some of the weights of the neural network. Enabling this option will slow down the AI so that you can see each individual forward propagation of the network, so it is best left disabled during game-play.

The Rules

  • As many times as you want on your turn you may select a territory with a stack of two or more dice and then select an adjacent territory belonging to an opponent. Both players roll their stacks of dice. If you have the higher total, their stack is replaced with all but one of the dice in your stack and the territory becomes yours. Otherwise you lose all but one of the dice in your stack.
  • When you choose to end your turn, a number of dice are randomly added your stacks equal to the size your largest group of connected territories. Note that a stack can have at most 8 dice.

The objective of the game is to control all the territories.

The game includes colourblind-friendly options.


Development log


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The AI is definitly too hard

Deleted post

this is a riski game